Achieve With Us!

Advocacy is at the heart of our services. We advocate across the lifespan in all areas of life. The ultimate goal is to empower individuals and families to become self-advocates and ultimately live self-determined lives. Our advocates are knowledgeable, compassionate, and understand the barriers affecting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.
In addition, we help individuals and families navigate a variety of human service system supports and networks to ensure an individual has a strong foundation to living a self-determined life.
The Arc serves as Representative Payee for individuals receiving Social Security benefits. We work with individuals and their support providers to develop a budget to ensure that needs for housing, food, and clothing are met.
Once the basics are addressed, we will help budget monthly income to pay past due bills, develop plans for future expenditures, and provide spending money, all in conjunction with the individual’s hopes, wishes, and desires.